How to Study Law in Germany: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you considering studying law in Germany? Pursuing a legal education in this European country can open up a world of opportunities. Germany is known for its prestigious universities, renowned academic programs, and robust legal system. However, navigating the process of studying law in a foreign country can seem daunting. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to study law in Germany, ensuring a smooth and successful journey towards your legal career.

1. Research and Choose the Right University

The first step in your journey to studying law in Germany is to research and choose the right university. Germany is home to various universities that offer law programs, each with its own strengths and specialties. Consider factors such as the university’s reputation, curriculum, faculty, and location to make an informed decision.

2. Check the Admission Requirements

Once you have selected the university, it is crucial to check the admission requirements. Different universities may have different criteria for accepting students into their law programs. Common requirements include academic transcripts, language proficiency tests such as TOEFL or IELTS, and a motivation letter.

3. Learn the German Language

While many universities offer law programs in English, having a good command of the German language can greatly enhance your experience and opportunities in Germany. Consider enrolling in German language courses or practicing through language exchange programs to improve your language skills.

4. Apply for a Student Visa

Before traveling to Germany, you will need to apply for a student visa. Contact the German embassy or consulate in your home country to inquire about the visa application process and required documents. It is advisable to start this process well in advance to avoid any delays or complications.

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5. Find Accommodation

Securing accommodation is another important aspect of studying law in Germany. Most universities provide housing options for international students, including dormitories or student apartments. Alternatively, you can explore private rental options or shared accommodation to suit your preferences and budget.

6. Familiarize Yourself with the German Legal System

Before starting your law studies in Germany, take the time to familiarize yourself with the German legal system. Understanding the basics of the German legal framework, court structure, and legal processes will give you a solid foundation for your studies.

7. Attend Orientation Programs

Upon arriving at your chosen university, make sure to attend any orientation programs specifically designed for international students. These programs provide valuable information about the university, its facilities, student services, and academic resources. They also offer an opportunity to connect with fellow students and build a support network.

8. Plan Your Course Schedule

Once you have settled into university life, it is time to plan your course schedule. Consult with academic advisors or faculty members to ensure you choose the right courses and meet all the program requirements. Take advantage of elective courses that align with your specific interests within the field of law.

9. Participate in Extracurricular Activities

Engaging in extracurricular activities can greatly enrich your law school experience in Germany. Join student organizations, legal clinics, or debate clubs to enhance your practical skills, network with professionals, and gain a deeper understanding of the legal landscape in Germany.

10. Seek Internship Opportunities

Internships play a vital role in gaining practical experience and expanding your professional network. Take advantage of internship opportunities offered by law firms, courts, or legal organizations in Germany. This hands-on experience will complement your academic studies and increase your employability after graduation.

11. Attend Legal Seminars and Workshops

Stay updated with the latest developments in the legal field by attending legal seminars and workshops. Universities often organize such events, bringing together legal experts, scholars, and students. These events provide valuable insights, foster critical thinking, and allow you to engage in discussions on contemporary legal issues.

12. Utilize the University Library and Resources

Make the most of the university’s library and resources to deepen your knowledge and excel in your law studies. The library will offer an extensive collection of legal literature, journals, and research materials. Additionally, take advantage of online databases, research tools, and legal databases to support your academic endeavors.

13. Build a Professional Network

Networking is key to success in the legal profession. Attend career fairs, alumni events, and legal conferences to connect with legal professionals, potential employers, and fellow law students. Building a strong professional network will open doors to internships, job opportunities, and collaborations in the legal field.

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14. Consider Specializing in a Field of Law

As you progress in your law studies, consider specializing in a specific field of law. Germany offers various specializations such as criminal law, corporate law, international law, or intellectual property law. Specializing will allow you to develop expertise in your chosen area and increase your career prospects.

15. Prepare for Exams and Assessments

Law programs in Germany often involve rigorous exams and assessments. Develop effective study strategies, create study groups with your peers, and seek guidance from professors to excel in your exams. Time management, discipline, and consistent effort are essential to succeed in your law studies.

16. Take Advantage of Legal Clinics

Many law faculties in Germany have legal clinics where students can gain practical experience by assisting real clients under the supervision of experienced lawyers. Participating in legal clinics will allow you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life cases, sharpen your legal skills, and make a positive impact.

17. Consider Study Abroad Programs

Germany offers study abroad programs that allow law students to spend a semester or year studying at partner universities abroad. Consider participating in such programs to broaden your horizons, experience different legal systems, and develop a global perspective.

18. Stay Updated with Legal Publications

Stay informed about legal developments by reading legal publications, journals, and scholarly articles. This will help you stay up-to-date with legal trends, theories, and landmark cases. Subscribing to legal newsletters or following legal blogs can also provide valuable insights.

19. Seek Mentorship and Guidance

Find mentors within the legal field who can provide guidance and support throughout your law studies. Professors, practicing lawyers, or alumni can offer valuable advice, career insights, and networking opportunities. Foster relationships with mentors who can help shape your legal career.

20. Consider Postgraduate Opportunities

If you aspire to further enhance your legal education, Germany offers various postgraduate opportunities such as Master’s degrees or PhD programs. Research the options available in your chosen field of law and decide if pursuing postgraduate studies aligns with your career goals.

21. Attend Career Development Programs

Universities often organize career development programs specifically tailored for law students. These programs provide guidance on resume writing, interview skills, and job search strategies. Take advantage of these programs to enhance your employability and secure internships or job opportunities.

22. Polish Your Language Skills

While studying law in Germany, continually work on improving your language skills, both in English and German. Proficiency in multiple languages will give you a competitive edge in the global legal market. Consider language courses or language exchange programs to further develop your language abilities.

23. Network with Alumni

Connect with alumni from your university who have gone on to establish successful legal careers. Alumni can offer valuable insights, advice, and potential job opportunities. Attend alumni events, join alumni associations, or utilize online platforms to connect with alumni in your desired field of law.

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24. Consider Legal Internships Abroad

Expand your legal experience by considering internships abroad. Many law firms, international organizations, or legal departments offer internship programs for law students. Interning abroad will provide exposure to different legal systems, cultures, and enhance your global perspective.

25. Attend Legal Conferences and Symposia

Legal conferences and symposia are excellent platforms to engage with legal scholars, professionals, and fellow students. Attend relevant conferences in your field of interest to stay updated on emerging legal trends, present your research, and network with experts in the legal industry.

26. Seek Professional Certification

Consider obtaining professional certifications in specific areas of law to demonstrate your expertise to potential employers. Professional certifications can enhance your credibility, showcase your commitment to continuous learning, and increase your chances of securing desirable job opportunities.

27. Engage in Pro Bono Work

Engaging in pro bono work is not only a way to give back to the community but also an opportunity to gain practical legal experience. Look for pro bono opportunities offered by legal clinics, non-profit organizations, or local law firms. Pro bono work demonstrates your commitment to social justice and can make a positive impact on your legal career.

28. Stay Informed About Legal Internship Programs

Stay updated about legal internship programs offered by law firms, government agencies, or international organizations. These programs provide valuable practical experience, exposure to different legal environments, and potential job opportunities. Research and apply for internships that align with your career goals.

29. Attend Career Fairs and Recruitment Events

Participate in career fairs and recruitment events organized by your university or legal associations. These events bring together law firms, legal departments, and potential employers. Dress professionally, prepare your resume, and engage in meaningful conversations to make a lasting impression.

30. Polish Your CV and Cover Letter

Before entering the job market, ensure your CV and cover letter are polished and tailored to the legal industry. Highlight your academic achievements, relevant experience, and legal skills. Seek feedback from professors, career counselors, or mentors to create a compelling application package.


Studying law in Germany is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can navigate the process with confidence and set yourself up for success. Remember to research and choose the right university, familiarize yourself with the German legal system, actively engage in extracurricular activities, and network with legal professionals. With dedication, perseverance, and a solid education, you can embark on a fulfilling legal career in Germany.